Month: February 2017

A Warm Wind is A’ blowing

Have you noticed the warm weather? If you live in Maine, or some areas in the Pacific Northwest, you may have not (sorry Alaska, you are excluded from these regions based on distance). For the rest of the 48 United States, there has been significant warmth for the month of February.

I live in Southeastern Pensyltucky as I like to say. For the non-geographical folks, that means outside of Philadelphia. This past weekend, there was three days of warm temperatures above 60 degrees with highs into the 70s. For Thursday – Sunday of this week, there will also be highs into the 70s. This weather and prolonged warmth is unusual for our area. I have noticed that the Philadelphia region has some of the most boring and standard weather around. There will be days of cold, then days of mild temps, then back to cold-in the winter at least. This regular ho-hum weather temperatures are not heard of elsewhere. In other areas of the country, the temperatures change day to day. My friend in Dallas Texas reports days of 75 degrees and sunny with the following day cold and 33!

Being interested in viticulture, or the growing of grape vines, I tend to monitor the temperatures around the year. Some winters, I look out for extended cold temperatures, since I don’t want the raw cold to destroy my vines.  Other times, like this past winter, I watched for these extended warm periods similar to the one we are having this week. I am worried that the April temperatures that we are experiencing in February are going to really screw with my grape vines. Most plants need so many thousand hours of “chilling” before they are cued to regrow in the spring. Some plants’ chilling hours are satisfied by being below 50 degrees. Others, such as grapes, are satisfied being chilled below 40 to 35 degrees. This doesn’t mean that the vines are destroyed from lower temperatures, as all it means is that after so many hours below the chilling temperature, the vines are ready to break their dormancy and emerge for spring time.

In southeast Pennsylvania, we have a moderate type of winter. The winter is long enough to easily satisfy grape vine chilling but not too short or either too long. It is just the right length. In fact, since similar grape varieties grow in Virginia and North Carolina, one can deduce that the required number of chilling hours for the same vine in Pennsylvania will probably be satisfied around late January to mid-February. Hence my concern for this early warming period we are feeling now. The vines in my area have already satisfied their needed chill requirement. With the continued warm temperatures, they may eventually emerge with new leaves. This is a concern because March weather is erratic and wild, with some late freezes and at other times mild wet and rainy days. If a late freeze occurs, small grape flowers will be ruined, forcing the vine to use its secondary, later flush of flowers. Those secondary flowers are not as numerous as the first flowers, which limits the number of potential grapes to grow.

For many folks, the warming time is the beginning of spring fever. It is a needed relief from a cold and raw winter. In fact, I don’t mind it either! I even wore shorts and a tee shirt today when taking my dog for a walk. The weather was pleasant, the air smelled fresh and the birds were singing/tweeting ferociously. On Wednesday I saw a few forsythias and flowering pears with the beginnings of flowers. I really do enjoy this break in the weather, but as a grape grower I enjoy it with a side of noted caution. Happy early Spring.

Thoughts on Politics and News

Recently, my Wife has been troubled by current events. This past Sunday, while driving home from Church, she told me she further believes the world is ending, and very soon. Now, to let you have some background, she has always been a pessimist, so I can’t hold it against her for having such “world ending” thoughts. But, the Church service we were just at had messages that said us Christians should be wary, since President Trump recently announced restrictions to USA entry for certain countries. It seems to me that the Church pastor wants to preach about possible similar prejudice situations for Christians. There are some reasons why this may be true, but in the end, there really should not be much to fret about.
The world is an ever changing place

I tried telling my wife that she should have no fear, since the world is currently ending and it always will be ending. No one knows when it will end. The world is an ever changing place, there will always be something to worry about. Personally, I am not worried about that fact. I told her my conclusion and she dismissed it. Hopefully the dismissal is just her pessimistic outlook on life. I have since come to think that her opinion may be a product of what she hears around her. Let me explain.

My wife does not watch the news or read the news (be it online or in print from). She gets most of her news through Facebook or what I tell her. Because of this, I have an opinion that most Americans are similar to my wife-they get their news from social media or second hand conversation. To me, social media is an echo chamber of nonsense. People complain, rant and yell all the time, “lets protest this” or “boycott that”. To a social media user, ever single thing they consume (newsworthy, that is) is most likely polarized and opinionated. There have even been examples of social media having polarization and/or “news” that was deemed important or less important to be shared. Some news was made to be popular while other popular news was hidden by social media companies. I have concerns that there could be an agenda or a process where certain news that the social media company likes is pushed to the masses. Some may find that hidden agendas are sinister, but I see them as a more common occurrence in our society where most people believe what they hear on social media. There is a powerful and large audience with social media, so the desire to send hidden messages to everyone disguised as news can be too tempting to pass up. I don’t know why the current news seems to be all about the world ending, or a disaster here and there. All I know is that sensational news with subjects as such sell advertisements an keep eyes and ears close by. Therefore, it is right for my wife and others to have a grim view of their world since they define their world by what is found on Twitter or Facebook.

Another way I find people tend to have world ending paranoia is through the 24-hour news cycle. Yes, it seems like I am going off into another rant about how the masses are fixated on their computer screens and not paying attention to anything…well I may be, haha. I am mentioning that there is a continued polarization in television news media. I see, especially during and after the election, an incessant drum pounding of news media whom are for or against Trump/Hillary. Everyone knows the age old joke about Fox News and how they are a stand in for the GOP. Yes, there is definitely a slant to the right for Fox. There is also a definite slant for MSNBC. Most people agree with this. What I am trying to tell people is that there are other hidden motives behind news media, besides the obvious one of political persuasion. Do a Google search for “6 media companies.” The results that you see are true, most American consumer media is founded under the wide umbrella of 6 large corporations. Now, the job of a business is to make money, everyone knows and respects that. However, when you get to be one of the 6 mega-companies who controls a machine that most Americans look at least 4 hours a day at, money becomes an afterthought. What becomes more lucrative, is power.

Think of any old bad guy/good guy tale. The antagonist has motives that usually sound something like they want/need/have power. For some men, power is far greater than money or fame. There are plenty of individuals that I am sure most folks have never heard of, who have a tremendous power in the behind-the-scenes America. Some of these individuals work in media. Their philosophy, their beliefs, their…agenda, flows from top down to the stations and tells them what to show. Since the TV is on at least 4 hours a day in every home, now you may realize why they call a show lineup “programming”. Its programming because the news media companies are programming the viewer to associate with the beliefs of the station and the owners at the top. Again, people may consider this to be sinister, even treacherous realization. Some may consider it to be un-American or completely ludicrous. I consider it normal, since the only logical step after maximizing profits is to further take advantage of every opportunity to lock in those potential, future profits. By wielding such power over many people, people see the world the way the media wants them to see. A dumb population who doesn’t want to do their diligence on story gathering and news reading is a population who believes everything they hear on TV. This is exactly what the media companies want-and by effect, is exactly why so many people, such as my Pastor and my wife, believe the world is ending. Its ending because its what powerful folks want you to think! Fear sells, and that means more eyes and ears to accept advertisements. Once people get their heads out of their TV and computer screens and relax, they will enjoy their life and find the world is not a place that is ending any time soon.

Enjoy your life! See this beautiful cardinal outside in the snow.